“People in the world should truly respect and love each other, refraining from hatred and envy. They should share things with others, refraining from greed and miserliness. They should always be friendly in speech and expression, refraining from quarrel and dispute.”
- Shakyamuni Buddha, Sutra of Immeasurable Life
Our heart go out to everyone affected by wildfires in LA
Dear Dharma friends,
I sincerely hope this finds you well and safe in the Infinite Light and Life of the Buddha.
First of all, I wish to extend my deepest condolences to those who lost their lives in the wildfire tragedy and my deepest concern for those who lost their homes and all of their belongings and are in danger of the wildfires.
Similar tragedies and events occur at all times in this world. As Shinran Shonin teaches us we are living in a world of impermanence. Everything is changing at each moment. The teaching of impermanence is easy to grasp, yet embracing this truth when we face it is a significant challenge. Awakening to the Working of Amida Buddha’s Wisdom and Compassion can help us move forward in accepting and realizing this stark truth.
Please remember that the West Los Angeles Buddhist Temple is a spiritual home for all beings. If you need any help, please don't hesitate to contact the temple office.
With palms together,
Rev. Koho Takata, Resident Minister

Welcome to the West Los Angeles Buddhist Temple!
We are a Jodo Shinshu Pure Land Buddhist temple located in the heart of Sawtelle Japantown in the West Los Angeles area of Southern California. We are an inclusive community welcoming of all people, regardless of age, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, etc.
Sunday Dharma services are held at the temple at 10:00 am.
Please reach out to WLADharmaCenter@gmail.com if you have any questions!

Thank you for visiting West Los Angeles Buddhist Temple. Everyone is welcome to attend our Sunday Dharma Services and events. Please click on the flyer below for more info.
Thank you for your continued support.
In Gassho, Gaylen Kobayashi - WLABT President