Welcome to our Temple!

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Welcome to WLABT!
The Mission of West Los Angeles Buddhist Temple is to encourage people
1) To hear the Teaching of Amida Buddha,
2) To apply the Teaching into their daily lives, and
3) To share the Teaching with others.
Welcome to our temple! THE BEST WAY to learn about Buddhism and our temple is to come and experience it! The present West Los Angeles Buddhist Temple (WLABT) was organized in 1926 as one of the branches of the Los Angeles Hompa Hongwanji Buddhist Temple. Prior to this time, there was no official body that could accommodate the religious needs of Buddhists in the West Los Angeles area. Thanks to our founding members and dedicated community members, the WLABT we know today is an all inclusive temple that provides Sunday services, activities, organizations, and events for people of all ages and backgrounds. The core of temple life is found in its services and in learning the Buddhist teachings (dharma). WLABT services include regular Sunday services, as well as special observances (e.g., the birth of Shakyamuni Buddha), and Dharma Reflections sessions where attendees will learn more and have a chance to discuss and ask questions.