Saishin Dojo
The Southern District Dharma School Summer Program
The Dharma Schools of the Los Angeles Hongwanji Betsuin and Senshin Buddhist Temple sposors the annual Saishin Dojo Dharma School program. “Dojo” is the ancient word for a Buddhist Temple, with the implication of it being a place where enlightenment is cultivated. “Sai” means “nishi” or “west”, from Nishihongwanji and “shin” means kokoro or “mind/body”, from Senshin Temple.
The program consists of an all-day instruction program from 8:30am to 3:30pm with pick-up service until 6:00pm, Monday through Friday. Student’s parent or guardian must be a member of a temple to qualify for enrollment.
The program will include:
Instruction in reading, math, writing, and language skills taught by credentialed teachers who are also Dharma School teachers or involved in temple life.
Programs in Buddhist culture taught by qualified professionals. Units this year will include Japanese foods, music, etiquette, flower, foreign language vocabulary, ceramics, enameling, tie-dye, and taiko. Each day will begin with students participating in the morning omairi service.
Classes are limited to those children who will be entering the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grades in the Fall of that year. Class sizes are limited, last year’s students receive the first chance to enroll, and APPLICATIONS ARE ACCEPTED ON A FIRST COME FIRST SERVE BASIS. So act quickly if you are interested.
The program is unable to accept students with special medical needs.
If your child has a sibling who you wish to enroll in first grade, please call (323) 731-4617, for an early registration form – do not put two names on one application.
For more complete information on registration requirements, fees and official registration forms, contact Senshin Buddhist Temple. Duplicated forms will not be accepted.