Sutras, Commentaries, and Revered Texts
For serious seekers

The Pure Land Sutras: Volume I: The Amida Sutra and The Contemplation Sutra

The Pure Land Sutras: Volume II: The Larger Sutra

The Three Pure Land Sutras

The Collected Works of Shinran (this text includes Ven. Shinran's shorter writings, along with his poems (wasan))

Ken Jodo Shinjitsu Kyo Gyo Sho Mon Rui (Kyo Gyo Shin Sho); by Ven. Shinran

The Path to the Pure Land: A translation of Ven. Shinran's Sai Ho Shin Nan Sho; tr. by Rev. Toshikazu Arai

The Pure Land Writings Vol I: The Indian Master - Chapter on Easy Practice (Nagarjuna), Twelve Praises of Amida Buddha (Nagarjuna), Treatise on the Pure Land (Vasubandhu); Shin Buddhist Translation Series

Nagarujuna's Discourse on the Ten Stages; tr. by Rev. Hisao Inagaki

Tan-luan's Commentary on Vasubandhu's Discourses on the Pure Land; tr. by Rev. Hisao Inagaki

The Pure Land Writings: Vol. II - Tanluan; Shin Buddhist Translation Series

Shan-tao's Kannenbomon; tr. by Rev. Zuio Inagaki

Shan-tao's Ojoraisan; tr by Rev. Hisao Inagaki

T'ao Cho's Collection of Passages on the Land of Peace and Bliss (Anrakushu); tr. by Rev. Hisao Inagaki

Master Rennyo's Outline of the Shoshinge (Shoshinge Tai'i); tr. by Rev. Zuio Inagaki

Tannisho by Yuien-bo

Master Rennyo's Letters (Gobunsho/Ofumi)