Shin Buddhist Alter (O-Naijin)

The Shin Buddhist Alter (O-Naijin)

  1. Object of Reverence - Amida Buddha: The central image of reverence is Amida Buddha, represented by a statue, a scroll with a picture image, or a scroll with the Name 南無阿弥陀仏 (Namo Amida Butstu). Amida Buddha is the ultimate Dharma-nature so that it has neither color nor form. For those who cannot see the perfection of true reality by our inner eyes, which are always covered with blind passions, Amida Buddha manifests the Universal Truth of Oneness in a form of body as the most compassionate, wise, and noble figure as the Buddha of Immeasurable Light (Wisdom) and Infinite Life (Compassion).

  2. Shinran Shonin: The founder of Jodo Shinshu, who clarified the True Teaching of Nembutsu.

  3. Rennyo Shonin: The eighth spiritual head leader of Hongwanji, who is regarded as the Second Founder.

  4. Prince Shotoku: The father of Buddhism who brought Buddhism into Japan.

  5. Seven Masters: Those who transmitted the True Teaching of Nembutsu to Shinran Shonin - top two masters from India, middle three masters from China, and bottom two masters from Japan.

  6. Candles: The candle symbolizes the Wisdom of the Buddha that illuminates the darkness of our ignorance.

  7. Flowers: The flowers, representing purity and beauty, symbolize the Compassion of the Buddha. In addition, flowers represent the impermanence of life.

  8. Incense: Incense is burned to praise Amida Buddha for his virtue, the rich fragrance equally reaching out to all reminds us of Amida Buddha’s Primal Vow to save all beings equally.